Initial Steps

Initial Steps

Inner Work 1

Session time is sold in blocks of twelve weeks because that's how long it takes a person to develop, though nascent, a secure and experiential ability to work in the Esosphere. Even after the initial block, twelve weeks gives sufficient time to make forward progress on an issue.

All blocks follow roughly the same procedure, except for your initial block. In that one, your first four to six weeks, you learn protocols and exercises and accomplish entry-level tasks.

Because this is an alchemical practice, using natural forces is a prerequisite. What is more natural than being out in Nature, allowing yourself to feel and experience your emotions, whatever they are, without judgment? We suggest that you spend at least five minutes per day outside does not matter if you are in a city or rural area; you must be outdoors and dress appropriately for the season. This Vigil should occur preferably at the same place and time each day. Be sure to document your experience.

During that time, you are also journaling and describing your emotions, feelings, habitual non-productive thought(s), and any envisioned scenarios in which such things play out.

In the inner work section, I wrote, 'the same energy that animates the dysfunction today is the same energy that will freely flow in its productive use when understood.' In this regard, we want to separate the wheat from the chaff, but we are interested in the chaff, the lead, and the base matter. I also wrote that 'alchemy is about transmutation!'

Often we become accustomed to viewing things from a familiar perspective, narrowing the perceived utility of an item. Gaining a new perspective from which to view an ordinary object allows us to see it in a new light, revealing to us the myriad of new uses always existent in the item but occulted from our erstwhile perspective.

With the basics under your belt, you do a crossing into the Esosphere, and we begin our actual work. Then follows a write-up of your experience. You bring the write-up to the next virtual session, and for that session and possibly one to two more, we seek to amplify and integrate the crossing session information. That pattern of crossing, write-up, amplification, and integration repeats, with additional modalities introduced when necessary.

All the while, the Vigil and journaling have been ongoing, so we have had a wealth of information to investigate and work on.

I generally don't introduce the use of Alchemical Oblations™ until we've done at least three months of work together.

Inner Work and Alchemical Gnosis™ are spiritual work, a work where you petition your soul. When using Alchemical Oblations™, I've seen people have experiences within twenty minutes of ingestion, and some have to wait weeks or months before receiving an experience.

You should not be expecting to drop in and tune out experience. The oblation catalyzes an internal environment conducive to reconciliation. But it does not bring about reconciliation on its own; your choices within the Esosphere bring forward movement or leave you seeking a more pellucid understanding of the dysfunction.

My experience and those who have used these products find the catalytic action of the Alchemical Oblations™ actualized through dreams*. Detailed session work around the experience flowered by the use of the Alchemical Oblations™ is essential to an integrated reconciliation.

Inner Work 2